Netscape connection

This wave look like the net cose everybody wants could be connected
Come with us if you like the good vibration
Forget your daily just for a few times and until the end you'll have
I don't want an election
Come inside my section
Don't you think it's better now
The netscape connection
Until the end you'll have another perception
Of this fucking song and this fucking music
Follow us we could show you the good way
For having a nice trip you don't have to take any drugs
{and then my mission will be accomplish in this world, I used to be back around myself they'll picking me up with their music and they'll picking me up with this fucking netscape connection}
During this track I'm trying to provocate a pack of hound
And then my mission will be accomplish on this world
Cose I used to be back by myself
You'll picking me up, but not another song
I don't want an election
Come inside my section
Don't you think it's better now
The netscape connection
Join us to our netscape connection

© Blazcooky

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