Lucky to be alive

The waves are fat, he takes his board
He wants to be carefree.
He's checking the set, and he's thinkink
It's the moment to go surfing.
The water is cold,
He's dreaming about Indonesia.
A set is raining,
He understands he's going to fall ten meters.
He's going to fall ten meters.
He's going to fall ten meters.
He's not dead, he's just upset
He's lucky to be alive.
He wanna come back, to take shelter
Because he is very tired.
The water is cold,
He's dreaming about Indonesia.
A set is raining,
He understands he's going to fall ten meters.
He's going to fall ten meters.
He's going to fall ten meters.
The waves are fat, he takes his board
He wants to be carefree.
He's checking the set, and he's thinkink
It's the moment to go surfing.
The water is cold,
He's dreaming about Indonesia.
A set is raining,
He understands he's going to fall ten meters.
ten meters
ten meters...

Musique Darwin - Texte Mathieu Zuchanovich

© Darwin

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