Welcome home

Solve your problems with violence.
Close your mind to what is not familiar.
Don't think about a hidden sense.
Beat and kick all those who are different.
Never search beauty and tenderness.
always act before you think.
Ignore what you do not know.
Destroy, erase what you don't understand.
Welcome to mental misery, intellectual poverty.
Welcome, to where frustration reigns,
the inner core of pain, where everyone's insane.
Welcome home!
Exterminate all concurrence.
Dominate the weak, the poor, the ill.
Hypocrites are mighty masters.
Betray and lie at every opportunity.
Power is everything in our world,
money is the way to it.
Fucking weak emotions are not welcome, brother,
love and mercy is for losers
Welcome to human misery, emotional poverty.
Welcome to where darwinism reigns,
the universe of pain, where motherfuckers gain.
Welcome home!
Welcome home, motherfucker!

© D.Ö.B.

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