Fed up

What is it like not to think you're different ?
Is life easier when you know that ?
So few people live the same things as me,
The same problems, feelings and doubts.
Are problems lighter when you don't have to carry
The burden of loneliness ?
What is it like not to be afraid of others,
Not to be ashame of what you are ?
I can't guess
What you feel ?
I can't expect you to understand.
I can't be sure
If i'm right,
I can't be sure that you are wrong.
I can't bear
The idea
That the answer would not exist !
You don't care much
About my life,
Why should I fuckin' care of yours ?
Fed up !
I am fed up, not to know where I go.
I am fed up, I am so lonely.
I am fed up to think things'll never change.
I am fed up caus' I think you don't exist.
I am fed up.
I am fed up,
i am fed up, I'm losing my life.
What a hell
To think that
What I do 's just killing time.
What a shame
To realize
The foolishness to believe in love.
Would I sing
Could I sing
If I were just a normal guy ?
Should I chose
Would I chose
To pretend or really be.
What a fuck
To know that
I won't be given another chance.
What a joke
To argue
About our life worthiness !
I'm fed up
But I still
Hope to see things change one day !
I am fed up
But I still
Hope to see things change one day !

© Hate Teenage Art

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