Beat the rumour

Let me tell you something about us
An infectious harm that fell upon us
So listen to me well
Because we are curing righ now
Since we did not get on stage again
People though we were working at the chain
Eight hours a day
Weeping on our pay
There's even a rumour we did not passed winter
One evening when we had drunk too much
We killed each other
Raming cans in asses
Someone told this, another told that
"There is no smoke without fire"
Rumour can say what it wants
It will ever make happy some sad
The aged of the village, always better informed
Told the brats our sorrowful fate
"Kids must not follow
That kind of fellows"
Ashamed of not been passed on "top of the pops"
We were living since behind the factory of lollipops
Beware of what the gossips say
'Cause i've heard many things about them
A friend told me you can become deaf
By dint oflistening to the scandalmonger's speech
But tonight it's ended, the sentence has fallen
For having broken its oath, rumour must be punished
So truce of chattering, let's throw it has fodder
To our savage screams and to our saturating guitars!

© Mongol Rodeo

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