Fight against them

Look around you all these signs of racism
all these words which make you think
of the declaration of the nazis
I think you gotta worry
worry for your children
who'll grow up in this world
a world which we want without them
without these fuckin' assholes
fight agaisnt them
don't let yourself be controlled
until the end
kick'em all
gotta worry about these 15 percented
fight 'till the victory
they won't go to our government
there's not just the nazi skinheads
(fuckin'guy without brain)
everywhere you go, you hear it
people who believe in racist ideas
we'll do all we can do
to stop them, and you too
you gotta fight not let them run
they're the problem
without any remorse and any doubt,
we will use all the ways,
we will fight and we will shoot
'till they go away

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