Society Damage (Panx short version)

Understand war ?
Fuck off !
Warning illusion
Fuck off !
Army force
Fuck off !
Mistake of disgrace...
Horror !
Bastards !
We are here,
To destroy the power.
Kick your fadasses back before
Anger comes myself.
Bloody betrayer,
You're a profiter of one's own.
Under the plague,
Broken lives, broken people...
Understand hate ?
Fuck off !
Against corruption
Fuck off !
Politic force
Fuck off !
Mistake of disgrace
Error !
Bastards !
We are wicked,
And naive...
Preguntas sobre la esperancia...
" The soul of illusion
Is the soul that comes from the streets.
The streets where nothing is safe,
Where nothing is sure.
But is it right ?
The more you fall into nothingness
The more you can walk your way through this world,
Through this life.
Save your life,
Bury the world.
Just fuck everything in the world,
Just...fuck... "
Don't forget what you are,
Don't say no good-bye.

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