Fallen angel

BLEED, just one more time, cuz you've lost the things you had
Things you won't have anymore
BLEED, cuz she's gone away, cuz she left you all alone
Cuz you're rotten to the core
We can talk about the things that you say you left behind
        that you say you left behind
I say : "hey ugly people, they are suffering inside
    hey silent evil would you come out for a ride?
    hey fallen Angel I know you're waiting for me
    hey fucking trouble would Death set'em free? Set'em free"
BLEED, cuz your child is sick, aching sucks from the inside
There is nothing you can do
BLEED, fluid is gone away, now you're falling on the ground
Death is coming to take you
We can talk about the things that you say you left behind
        that you say you left behind

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