The strife

What's happened to the world today?
I see chaos, fear, brutality and pain.
The blood on the walls,
Blood on the streets.
Peoples dying everyday but it's too late!!!
Why are their system fake?
They must be stopped.
The blood is our freedom's stain.
Refuse to let them win.
What's happened to the world today?
I see murder, torture, aggression and hate.
The blood on the walls,
Blood on the streets.
Peoples dying everyday but it's too late!!!
Suicide - just for the cause.
Suicide - just for the cause.
Why are their system fake?
They must be stopped.
The blood is our freedom's stain.
Refuse to let them win.
Difference is not a crime.
Difference is not a crime.
Don't forget the fuckin' strife. Go fight.

© Wrensh

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