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ref. PP063 EP DADDY'S DOLLS "Spoiled punk"

01 - Daddy's Dolls "Anybody"

02 - Daddy's Dolls "Dickies' land"

03 - Daddy's Dolls "Moonsurf"

04 - Daddy's Dolls "Dino's Hour"

05 - Daddy's Dolls "Spanish Punk"

ref. PP062 CD V/A "Up The Grrrl"

01 - Biggs "Not the same"

02 - Biggs "Esthetic standards"

03 - Bulimia "Bumerangue"

04 - Bulimia "Chegou a hora!!"

05 - Hitch Lizard "Contradiction"

06 - Hitch Lizard "Ask myself"

07 - Kaos Klitoriano "Klitorian kaos"

08 - Kaos Klitoriano "Revolta incontioa"

09 - Lava "Killer cards"

10 - Lava "Luz"

11 - RTL "Whose fault"

12 - RTL "Sinner"

13 - Sandina "Respeito"

14 - Sandina "Menimade familia"

15 - Shes "Desafio"

16 - Shes "Surrender"

17 - Skirt "Get what you deserve"

18 - Skirt "Her choice"

19 - Staples "Stupid songs"

20 - Staples "Wasted time"

21 - Surface "Don't go"

22 - Surface "Memories"

23 - Toxoplasmose "Nothing and all"

24 - Toxoplasmose "You were bad"

25 - T.P.M. "Travesseiro"

26 - T.P.M. "Walkman"

27 - T.P.M. "Urge"

28 - Witchery "Wish crashed"

29 - Witchery "Tears of hate"

30 - Yolk "Baiao de seis cordas"

31 - Yolk "Pode rir"

ref. PP061 EP VIOLENTOPALOFF "Let us stand to our glorious dead"

01 - ViolenTopaloff "I'm drowning"

02 - ViolenTopaloff "Feliz ciudad"

03 - ViolenTopaloff "Mania"

04 - ViolenTopaloff "Topaloff"

05 - ViolenTopaloff "No dices nada"

06 - ViolenTopaloff "Cromosoma"

07 - ViolenTopaloff "The Saviour"

08 - ViolenTopaloff "La deula"


01 - Four Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles "Napalm'n'death"

03 - Four Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles "Born for pain"

ref. PP058 EP OUTFACE "TV generation"

01 - Outface "Hall of fame"

02 - Outface "Green men"

03 - Outface "TV generation"

04 - Outface "Adrenaline"

05 - Outface "Point de non-retour"

06 - Outface "Callosities (he's got)"

07 - Outface "Tozi"

08 - Outface "The prodigy"

ref. PP057 CD YOUTH GONE MAD "Oompa Loompa"

01 - Youth Gone Mad "Inventory"

ref. PP056 EP HOMEBOYS "The same sunday"

01 - Homeboys "DV core"

ref. PP055 EP H.K.PEGAR "A la chingada con los traidores"

01 - H.K.Pegar "Charlie saves"

ref. PP054 EP TIME X "End it up"

01 - Time X "Get it on"

02 - Time X "End it up"

03 - Time X "Emotion populaire"

04 - Time X "Soul on fire"

ref. PP053 CD STEROIDS "Steroids"

01 - Steroids "Traitre humain"

02 - Steroids "Arsenik"

03 - Steroids "Carton armé"

04 - Steroids "Jingo zone"

05 - Steroids "Policia"

06 - Steroids "Holy shit head"

07 - Steroids "Juge et condamné"

08 - Steroids "Ambulance"

09 - Steroids "Ta gueule!"

10 - Steroids "Ghetto"

11 - Steroids "Skater"

12 - Steroids "Pas seul"

13 - Steroids "Sous les drapeaux"

14 - Steroids "Fuck"

15 - Steroids "Crève salope!"

16 - Steroids "Day after day"

ref. PP049 EP STEROIDS "Bazooka"

01 - Steroids "Bazooka"

02 - Steroids "No way!"

03 - Steroids "Code barre"

04 - Steroids "77"

ref. PP042 CD V/A "Toulouse Punk 1997"

01 - Loco Toxic "Elle"

02 - Four Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles "Napalm'n'death"

03 - Fake Hyppi "Self government"

04 - Walnut Grove "Devil 66 Mhz"

05 - Punish Yourself "M.Q.V.P.H.V.D.F."

06 - Dead Line "E.Z.L.N."

07 - Massacration "Choleric minds"

08 - Greedy Guts "Incredible girl"

09 - Undo "Out of chasm"

10 - Anarcotik "S.D.F."

11 - Cabal "Unaesthetic genital stump"

12 - Les Bêtes "Beverly hills"

13 - Armes et Cycles ""

14 - Sad Clown "Dérives hérétiques"

15 - Leviathan "Waiting for"

16 - Legitime Defonce "Anesthésie mentale"

17 - Gargamelz "Grosses ordures"

18 - Headache "Zombie in your bed"

19 - Ripe La Lune "Les voleurs"

20 - Neurastenia "Nausea-Guerriers des arbres"

21 - Lithium 694 "Don't want"

22 - Vacarm Le Rouge "Parjure injure"

23 - W.M.C. "No gods"

24 - Screeching Mushroom "My dream become reality"

25 - Singai "Not bossa"

26 - Psychotic on the Blink "I fuck the major"

27 - Dimness "Doomsday"

28 - She Hybrid "The hunt"

29 - Up Rights "Not tested"

30 - Les Poils "Rutger Hauer"


01 - Legitime Defonce "Nulle part ou aller"

02 - Legitime Defonce "Cause perdue"

03 - Legitime Defonce "Déconnecté"

04 - Legitime Defonce "Une place au paradis"

05 - Legitime Defonce "Carpe diem"

06 - Legitime Defonce "T.H.C."

07 - Legitime Defonce "Roger la haine"

08 - Legitime Defonce "Mayday S.O.S."

09 - Legitime Defonce "Chute libre"

10 - Legitime Defonce "Anesthésie mentale"

11 - Legitime Defonce "Bingo Jack"

12 - Legitime Defonce "Rien trouvé de mieux"

13 - Legitime Defonce "T.H.C.2 (le retour)"

14 - Legitime Defonce "La cucaracha"

ref. PP034 CD YOUTH GONE MAD "Pollenate"

01 - Youth Gone Mad "Dinosaurs people"

ref. PP019 LP LEGITIME DEFONCE "Legitime Defonce"

01 - Legitime Defonce "Anarchy in pink city"

02 - Legitime Defonce "Tout, tout de suite"

03 - Legitime Defonce "Attitude prohibée"

04 - Legitime Defonce "Sniper"

05 - Legitime Defonce "USA"

06 - Legitime Defonce "Le pouvoir et la gloire"

07 - Legitime Defonce "3615 flash special"

08 - Legitime Defonce "Dede la crasse"

09 - Legitime Defonce "Tu pourris l'atmosphere"

10 - Legitime Defonce "Powertrip"

11 - Legitime Defonce "Top zero"

12 - Legitime Defonce "Rien n'va plus!"

13 - Legitime Defonce "Des bombes sur Disneyland"

14 - Legitime Defonce "Blast 69"

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Panx, Toulouse, 2006.

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