The way you look

You spend some time in front of your mirror but not so much in front of yourself
The nicest people I've met have often been the dumbest
You check around shops and magazines to see what's in
You're just fantasizing...
I ain't got no earrings, nothing through my nose
I get the feeling, I don't wear the right clothes... not the right clothes
I ain't got no piercing, nothing through my cock
I get the feeling, I 'm outside your lot... outside your lot
You're lovely looking, all dressed and made up,
You're good at showing, but that don't mean a lot
It doesn't mean a lot, it means fuck all, It doesn't mean a lot,
The way you look yeah, doesn't mean a lot
I prefer judging people on their thoughts
Yeah your acts and thoughts, your acts and thoughts

© Forehead

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