Son of hope / Dying alive

understanding is being so confuse / nobady can see that corrupt you / no chance to survive / wrekage of nothing / and have to realize / it's your doing / like a plague run or die / who i wanna be / not on this road where's the light / what's going on / when dropped in shit / calling for help / but now a new day / rises my sun and burns my heart / a new day that burns my face / lonely son of hope / witness / disabused / a bloody tear has falling down / strinking people / in front of their TV / hearing the moaning of the wind / all empty and dark / honesty is my only way of life / to evolve from good vibes / know who i am
driven by your conscience / without using your brain / you live your self destruction / like an answer to your problems / loosing souls are closing thier eyes / they just wanna do as if all was right / but switch your T.V at 8 PM and you'll see , wars murders / progress and weapons / your self destruction/ the beggining of the end / there's so much people around us /who are dying alive / they just do as nothing happens / but you can see newspapers every morning and / you'll see they 're all wrong /people around us are just dying alive

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